Rebind torchlight game
Rebind torchlight game

rebind torchlight game

After login, you will be brought back to game with this confirmation. Step4 - Tap on I agree to the above and wish to transfer and login using your target BandaiID credentials. Step3 - Tap on OK and you will be brought to BandaiID login page. Step2 - Tap on 次へ and you should see this exact same prompt stating more terms mentioned. Step1 - Navigate to Menu Tab, and tap on データを引き続ぎ (Data Transfer) and you should see this exact same prompt stating all the terms mentioned. Star Jewels will not be returned even if returning to original OS. Star jewels that are not in present list, will be lost when transferring data between IOS & Android.After performing this Rebind(Re-upload) to another BandaiID, users can Bind(Retrieve) on another device using the new BandaiID credentials.Ensure that target BandaiID does not already have any deresute game data linked.This process will be the same as any regular Binding(Upload), ensure BandaiID has been set to Asia/JP to avoid any complications.

rebind torchlight game

Prompt will alert if attempt to Unbind(Disconnect) within 30 days.

  • After performing this Rebind(Re-upload) to another BandaiID, it will require 30 days till the next Unbind(Disconnect) from the connected BandaiID.
  • This process will only work when the game data is not bind(upload) to any BandaiID.
  • REBIND(Re-upload) Game data to another BandaiID An unbind confirmation will then appear, stating game data has been unbound. Step3 - Tap on OK and the Unbind will been performed. Step2 - Tap on 解除(Cancellation) and you will see this exact same prompt, asking for your confirmation of action. If prompt does not appear the same, you have not perform any Binding(Upload) prior to this. Step1 - Navigate to Menu Tab, and tap on データを引き続ぎ (Data Transfer) and you should see this exact same prompt that states your binding status.
  • Unbind(Disconnect) can only take place 30 days after the day the game data was last connected to any BandaiID.
  • After this process has been performed, a new set of game data can be bind(Upload) to the original occupied BandaiID.
  • After this process has been performed, game data can be Re-bind(Re-upload) to another BandaiID.
  • rebind torchlight game

    This process will not require any form of authentication as done fully within game.This process will work regardless BandaiID has been deleted beforehand.This process will remove existing connection between Game Data and BandaiID.UNBIND(Disconnect) Game data from BandaiID If you encountered any issues while performing Unbind, Rebind, please post your queries within this thread, and include the following information (along with the screen shots): Users are adviced to perform a screen shot in every steps mentioned, for easier fault finding if something were to go wrong. Rebind(Re-upload) - Set up of Gamedata to a new, unoccupied BandaiID after Unbind.Unbind(Disconnect) - Remove bind between Gamedata and BandaiID, freeing Gamedata from it.Bind(retrieve) - Initial retrieve of Gamedata on a new device using BandaiID.Bind(upload) - Initial setup of Gamedata to a unoccupied BandaiID.If you are looking for the guide for initial game data Bind(upload), please refer to "Part 1: Account bind (Upload)" instead.įor easier reference and communication with regards from previous entity, I will be using the terms: This guide will provide you a complete walk-through of the process of Unbind(Disconnect) as well as Rebind(Re-upload) of game data from BandaiID. I have prepared my set of game data and tested the unbind/rebind process. There were some hiccups with the process that induces errors (which have been resolved). Greetings, fellow producers, I'm aware that some users are worried regarding the unbinding of game data from BandaiID and to perform a rebinding(re-upload) to another BandaiID.

    Rebind torchlight game